4500 Muncaster Mill Rd, Rockville, MD


Timings: 7:30AM – 6:00PM

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Operated Since 1975

As an educator for preschool in Maryland, one of the needs that you will encounter when dealing with young kids is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This condition is more commonly known as ADHD.

ADHD is actually a widely misunderstood condition. Kids with ADHD can learn as fast (or even faster) as any child, but what makes them so misunderstood is their seemingly uncontrollable and boundless energy. In a classroom setting, other children can consider them as disturbances as they just will not stay still!

Children with ADHDs are best started off in a Montessori school when they are in pre-school. That’s because the Montessori system actually encourages children to move around and expend their energy. They don’t stay still most of the time in our program. The games we let them play are perfect to keep a hyperactive child curious, and utterly focused.

Our programs build on each child’s individual strengths while also acknowledging their weaknesses so the child can develop and overcome these in the future. A child with ADHD can thrive especially in our summer camp in Maryland, where their limitless energy and joyous spirits give them the advantage!

Are you looking for the best child care in Rockville, Maryland? Don’t hesitate to give us a call at Norbeck Montessori. We’re more than happy to see you and your child.

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