4500 Muncaster Mill Rd, Rockville, MD


Timings: 7:30AM – 6:00PM

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Operated Since 1975

Is your child familiar with doing chores? Do they enjoy doing it as well? As a Montessori School in Maryland, doing household activities is one of our aims for learning children. We know that when they are taught with these early on, they can develop a love for work.

So how do we get our children from doing chores and enjoying it at the same time?

We have some suggestions for you. Read on.

  1. Model yourself
    You must have heard this often but its truth has not diminished. You are your child’s first model in anything. So when they see that you’re also enjoying doing your chores, then they will love finishing these tasks. By then, it will not be difficult for you to train them and accomplish things later on.
  2. Offer Rewards
    Children almost always get motivated by rewards. When you let them do something because they can get something they want, then they can start doing chores. However, it is also important to let them know that some good things don’t need a tangible reward.
  3. Set a Friendly Competition
    Our little ones can also love the feel of being a winner. You can take advantage of this interest by posting chores that they need to do. This is ideal if you have more than one child at home. When you challenge your children to finish something faster than the others, you can get them to doing something in the spirit of fun.
  4. Teach
    As a Montessori School in Rockville, Maryland, we believe that doing chores also requires guidance. So when we teach practical lessons to children, our educators are there to supervise and guide them. It can be the same thing for you at home. Teach your child the right methods of the chore so they can be able to finish it accurately.
  5. Not Punishment
    Avoid using chores as a way to punish them for disobedience or wrong. Children should not see that chores are something bad. They need to feel that chores are designed to promote their sense of worth and purpose at home.
  6. Create a Schedule
    You can also integrate the love for chores when you mix this into their daily schedule. In our Preschool in Maryland, children are already familiar with how it is to follow a schedule. When they have adjusted to their routines at home, they will learn how to finish tasks on their own.

At Norbeck Montessori, we recognize the essence of practical lessons in the growth and development of a child. So we encourage you to promote these practices at home. The more that your child engages with chores, the better they become in accepting responsibilities later on in life.

Would you need this kind of nurturing in your child? Enroll them in our Day Care in Rockville, Maryland. We have prepared foundational lessons and programs for their overall development. If you have inquiries, don’t hesitate to ask.

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